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Classiads Pro 6.1.5 Download WordPress Theme

R$ 44,99

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  • Clean and virus-free 100% files
  • Use of unlimited domains
  • New free version
  • Version 6.1.5
  • Updated 29/05/2024
  • Lifetime Access
  • Demo Link
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The Classiads WordPress Theme is a powerful and versatile solution for creating your own classifieds website. Whether you're looking to create a niche market or a broad classifieds platform, Classiads offers all the tools and features you need. In this article, we'll explore why Classiads is an excellent choice and how to get started using it.

Why choose Classíadas?

Classiads stands out in the crowded market of WordPress themes for classifieds websites. It's easy to use, feature-packed, and highly customizable. You can create a unique and feature-rich classifieds platform without any coding knowledge.

Features and Functionality

Classiads offers a multitude of features including ad posting, ad management, user dashboards, and payment integration. It is also designed for SEO optimization, ensuring your website ranks well in search engines.

How to install Classiades

Installing Classiads is simple. You can buy the theme from the official website or from a trusted marketplace. After that, just upload and activate it in your WordPress dashboard.

customization options

Classiads le permite personalizar la apariencia de su sitio web de clasificados con facilidad. Puede elegir entre varios diseños, combinaciones de colores y widgets para que su sitio web sea verdaderamente único.

Publication of classified ads

Classiads allows users to post ads easily. The process is intuitive and easy to use.

Search and filtering options

Your users can quickly find what they are looking for thanks to advanced search and filtering options.


Registered users have their own dashboards to manage their listings and profiles.

Payment Integration

Classiads supports popular payment gateways, making it easy for users to pay for featured listings.

Social media integration

Share your listings on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.

Customizing your classifieds site

To make your website unique, you can use Classiads customization options.

Theme options

Easily change your site layout, header styles, and more through theme options.

Color scheme

Select the color scheme that matches your brand or niche.

Layouts and Design

Change the layout of your pages and use custom widgets and sidebars.

Creating a user-friendly experience

Ensuring your classifieds website is easy to use is essential to its success.

Mobile responsiveness

Classiads is fully responsive, providing an optimal experience on all devices.

User interaction

Interact with your users through comments, ratings and reviews.

SEO optimization

Classiads is optimized for search engines, increasing your website's visibility.

Security measures

Protect your users' data and your website with Classiads' built-in security features.

Monetizing your classifieds site

Classiads offers several ways to monetize your platform.

Featured Listings

Allow users to pay for featured listings, increasing your visibility.

Promociones publicitarias

Enable ad promotions to give users the opportunity to promote their listings.

Membership Plans

Create subscription plans with multiple benefits, including advertising credits and premium features.

The Classiads WordPress theme is the best option for creating a classifieds website. Its easy-to-use features, customization options, and monetization possibilities make it a strong contender in the world of classifieds themes. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, Classiads can help you achieve your goals.

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